http://sicode.ticalc.org |
sicode@bigfoot.com |
1.1 What is Zap! Arcade?I first programmed the Zap! engine over an hour as something to do. It is a cross between Nibbles and Tron - you need to collect the dots (which are surrounded by four other dots, making it harder to collect them) but your "tail" isn't a fixed length - it grows like Tron's as you move. This makes an interesting take on the snake-game theme.
v1.0 - Initial Release
- Around 1500 bytes
- Play-on-Pic option, compatible with Tron Arcade level packs
- Play-on-Pic Browser
- Customisable Lives and Size of Dots
1.3 Future Plans
- Fixed "Window Set" problems
- Code optimisations
- Better menu system
Mainly code optimisations. If you have any suggestions, please contact us.
1) Unzip the file ZAP.ZIP into any directory, usually your Link Software's directory (e.g. C:\WINLINK).
2) Run your Link Software and send the file ZAP.83G to your TI-83.
3) Run the program prgmZAP to begin.
4) Visit SiCoDe's website at http://sicode.ticalc.org for news and program updates.
Aim of Zap! ArcadeTry to collect the dot in the centre of the "cross" of four dots. If you hit any other dot on the level (including the sides and background!) you lose a life. The cross will move every so often (at random) and will respawn after you collect it.
KEY ACTION Up Arrow (In Menu) Move up an option
(In Game) Move upLeft Arrow (In Game) Move left Down Arrow (In Menu) Move down an option
(In Game) Move downRight Arrow (In Game) Move right ENTER (In Menu) Select Option
(In Game) Pause2nd (In Menu) Select Option CLEAR (In Game) Quit
Game Menu ExplanationsPic - To make your own custom maps, merely draw a picture and save it as any pic. Use the picture browser to choose your map.
Size - Selects the distance of the four "guard" dots from the central dot in the cross.
Lives - Specifies how many lives you want.
5.1 Troubleshooting5.2 Known Bugs/Problems
- When browsing through the pics on my calc it says "ERR:UNDEFINED". This means you do not have the pic it is trying to display. Try setting a blank screen to all the pics in your memory to avoid this problem.
- When starting a game it says "ERR:UNDEFINED". This means the pic that the program is trying to load does not exist on your calc. Try changing it using the pic browser.
- When starting a game it loads up the title screen and then after a while goes back to the main menu. This is because the default loadpic option on startup for the first time is Pic0, which is also the title screen for Zap! From the main menu, select option 1 and press "left" until the screen is blank with "(DO NOT LOAD PIC)" displayed. Press "ENTER", then try again.
5.3 Contacting Support
- There are no known problems with Zap! Arcade.
SiCoDe will always try to rectify any problems you have with this software. If you do run into any difficulties just email sicode@bigfoot.com or use our online form to contact us. Please describe the problem fully in order to help us understand the problem.
6.1 About SiCoDeSiCoDe is a group of programmers who program for various TI calculators in the TI-BASIC language. We also program ASM applets that can be used with TI-BASIC programs. SiCoDe aim to continually provide high-quality TI-BASIC programs. These are frequently considered to be inferior in all ways to ASM programs and we aim to eliminate this misconception!
SiCoDe is an affiliate of the TI-BASIC Quality Alliance which means that quality is assured in our products.
Further information about SiCoDe can be found by visiting our website at http://sicode.ticalc.org. SiCoDe can be contacted at sicode@bigfoot.com.Programmed by - David Hall6.3 Acknowledgements
Original Game Idea - David Hall
Title Screen Artwork - David Hall
Graphic Design - David Hall
Program Engine - David Hall, based on Matt Hall's Tron ArcadeUses GFX engine based on SiCoDe Tron Arcade
SiCoDe wishes to thank...
- The SiCoDe Arcade playing people for supporting our Arcade series - Tron Arcade and Pong Arcade.
- Nick Disabato (TiCalc.org Staff) for listening to my rants about BASIC Nibbles. I still haven't quite got there yet, but I'm working on it :)
- Fred Coughlin (DimTI Staff) for also listening to me, even when overworked and unpaid :)
- Whoever it is who used our online form to tell us how to dim the list and set the window size within the program. We knew, honest, we just forgot how <:)